The Big 8: How to Boost RTO Enrolments with Effective Student Acquisition Strategies

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Are you a small or medium business owner struggling to increase your RTO’s enrolment numbers? You’re certainly not alone here.

Many in the education sector face similar hurdles, like relying on outdated marketing tactics and not having a mix of strategies in place. But here’s the good news — there’s hope! In this blog, we’re going to explore eight powerful student acquisition strategies specially crafted for RTOs. These strategies will help boost your enrolments and fine-tune your marketing efforts. By putting these actionable tactics to work, you’ll soon see your enrolment numbers climb, setting your RTO up for a successful and vibrant future. 

Understanding the Challenge

Why Enrolments Stagnate

Enrolment stagnation in RTOs can stem from several factors. A big hiccup is sticking to outdated marketing methods. Think about it: direct mail and static ads might have worked once, but today’s students live in the digital space. Without a varied marketing approach, you might miss connecting with them where they spend a lot of their time. 

The education world is buzzing with competition, making it crucial for RTOs to shine and stand out. Yet, many haven’t nailed down what makes their offerings unique. Add to those internal bumps, like staff changes or shifting regulations, which can derail focus from important enrolment plans. 

Here’s the good news—tackling these challenges is totally doable. It just takes a clear view of both the outside market conditions and how smoothly things are running inside your RTO. Once you spot these culprits of stagnation, you can pivot and innovate, ensuring your marketing game is not just up-to-date but also keyed into reaching the students you want. 

Need for Diversified Strategies

A one-size-fits-all approach can fail to address the diverse needs and preferences of potential students, leading to missed opportunities for engagement. As the digital landscape evolves rapidly, RTOs that do not adapt their marketing techniques risk being overshadowed by more agile competitors. To counter this, it’s crucial to embrace contemporary marketing methods such as social media engagement, content marketing, and search engine optimisation (SEO).  

These strategies help to create a dynamic online presence that not only attracts but also retains student interest. By moving away from outdated practices, RTOs can better position themselves in a competitive market. 

Eight Proven Tactics to Drive RTO Enrolments

1. Leverage Warm Outreach

Ever thought about reaching out to folks who already know your organisation—like past students, industry buddies, or your social media fans? It’s a great place to start. Here’s what you need to do: first, build a detailed list from personal connections or alumni networks. It’s all about making it personal; tailor your messages to show you genuinely care about what they need and recall their previous interactions with your RTO. Want to make your communication stand out? Drop a note that mentions a shared interest or a past encounter. 

What about sharing a success story or the latest course you’re offering? That can grab attention too. And don’t forget to spice things up by offering referral rewards—it’s a fantastic way to encourage your network to help out. Keep these lines of communication open, and you’ll not only see enrolments grow, but you’ll foster a community of ardent supporters for your RTO. Sounds doable, right?  

2. Optimise SEO and Content

SEO and content creation are must-haves for boosting student enrolments at your RTO. Think of search engine optimisation (SEO) as your ticket to better visibility online. When your website pops up in search results more often, potential students can find you easier.  

So, what’s the first step? Zero in on the keywords your future students might type into a search bar. Maybe terms like “RTO courses” or “vocational training in Australia” fit the bill? Make these words flow naturally into your web pages, blog posts, course details, and even behind-the-scenes settings like meta tags.  

It’s not just about placing words, though! Keep your content fresh and engaging. Consider penning down articles on the latest industry trends, highlighting student success stories, or showcasing the advantages of your courses. And here’s a tip: don’t just stick to written content. Mix things up with videos, infographics, and podcasts to connect with your audience in the way they prefer. By weaving SEO with a solid content strategy, your RTO can boost its online presence and engage more potential students. 

3.Execute Cold Outreach

Growing your student base is easier when you venture out of your comfort zone and dive into cold outreach. Yes, it’s time to connect with folks who haven’t heard about your RTO yet. So, where do you begin? Start by crafting a well-targeted list of potential students who fit what you’re looking for. LinkedIn and specialised databases can be your best friends here, helping you track down just the right contacts. 

Once you’ve got your list, make sure your outreach feels personal. Nobody likes getting a generic email that could’ve been sent to anyone, right? Tailor your messages to the individual you’re reaching out to, focusing on what makes your RTO truly shine—like your standout courses or flexible learning options. 

Don’t forget to keep the conversation going. Regular follow-ups can help your RTO linger in potential students’ minds—just make sure you’re not tipping over into being overly persistent. Try blending different communication methods like email, social media, and direct mail to maximise your reach. By honing your cold outreach approach, you’re not just reaching out; you’re opening doors to new student markets and boosting enrolments.  

4. Invest in Paid Ads

Think about paid advertising as a game changer for RTOs aiming to get noticed and bring in more students. Ever wonder how platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn can make your life easier? They let you target specific groups—by age, location, or what they’re interested in—so you can make sure your ads hit the right folks. Start by figuring out who your ideal student is and craft ads that speak directly to them. Want your ads to pop? Make them visually appealing, and don’t forget a strong call to action to get viewers to learn more or sign up. 

Heard about retargeting? It’s a nifty strategy to connect with people who’ve already checked out your site or ads, giving them a nudge to consider enrolling. It’s all about keeping tabs on how your ads are doing—how often do you check their performance? Adjust your strategy as you go along, doubling down on what works. By putting money into paid ads, you can really expand your reach and attract students who might not find you otherwise. Why rely solely on organic reach when you can boost your visibility and grow your student base with paid advertising? Give it a shot and watch the enrolments roll in. 

5. Partner with Influencers / Affiliates

If you’re looking to expand your RTO’s reach and build credibility, teaming up with influencers and affiliates is a smart play. Influencers, particularly those tuned into education, career growth, or specific industries, can really speak to their followers in ways that feel genuine.  

So, how do you start? Try identifying influencers whose audience fits your demographic like a glove. Work with them to create engaging content that highlights your courses, shares success stories, or underscores what makes your RTO special. 

Now, let’s talk about affiliates. Think of them as your partners in promoting your RTO. They refer new students to you for a commission. Great, right? By setting up a straightforward affiliate program, you motivate these partners to actively pitch your offerings. Be open about your course’s benefits and success rates—this builds trust and encourages more enrolments. 

Remember, influencers and affiliates can help you reach beyond traditional marketing methods, connecting you with potential students you might otherwise miss. By integrating these kinds of partnerships, you can boost your school’s visibility and create a robust pipeline for new enrolments. It’s all about building strong, valuable connections. 

6. Encourage Customer / Student Referrals

When your students and clients have great experiences, they’re more likely to share them with their friends, family, and colleagues. That’s why referrals are such a fantastic way to grow organically. Want to encourage more of these valuable referrals? Think about offering rewards—like discounts on upcoming courses, gift vouchers, or even cash bonuses. 

Making the referral process straightforward is essential. Give your students easy-to-use referral links or codes and clear instructions on how to refer others. And don’t forget to keep the program visible! Remind your students about it through emails, social media, or even quick mentions in class. Showcasing success stories and testimonials can also inspire them to spread the word. 

By creating a community where students feel valued and appreciated, you’re encouraging them to become ambassadors for your RTO. This not only helps extend your reach but also attracts new enrolments through trusted recommendations. Remember, every referral is not just an enrolment opportunity but a chance to build lasting, supportive relationships with your students. 

7. Collaborate with Marketing Agencies

Collaborating with an agency for paid ads or content distribution is wise if you lack the resources or expertise. Agencies can introduce you to new methods and platforms, such as moving from Facebook to TikTok advertising without a trial-and-error learning curve. 

With many marketing agencies available, selecting the right one can be daunting. Seek referrals from colleagues or other RTO operators who have gotten real results. Identify agencies that see you as an ideal client and check if they are effectively marketing to you. Observe if agencies are investing in SEO or bidding on keywords. 

Once you have a shortlist, proceed with selection: 

  • Look for testimonials from satisfied clients with similar campaigns. 
  • Ask for referrals from current RTO clients. 
  • Inquire about guarantees. 
  • Check if they offer a real-time dashboard for tracking leads and costs. 

Ensure affordability by calculating your maximum cost of student acquisition. Confirm whether the agency can acquire students for less than this cost. For instance, at $100 per lead and a10% conversion rate, the acquisition cost is $1,000. This may be acceptable for VSL-promoting RTOs but not for low-cost courses. Agencies must prove they can keep acquisition costs below your maximum threshold or be removed from your list. 

8. Participate in Tenders

Participating in tenders can be a strategic move for RTOs looking to secure student acquisition opportunities, particularly when dealing with government bodies or large organisations. Tenders often provide access to substantial student cohorts, as they typically encompass large-scale training projects or partnerships. Engaging in the tendering process allows RTOs to showcase their capabilities, such as course quality, compliance, and successful outcomes.  

Winning a tender not only boosts enrolments but also enhances the RTO’s reputation, as being selected often signifies trust and credibility. To succeed, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the tender requirements and tailor proposals to the specific needs and objectives outlined. This includes highlighting your RTO’s unique strengths and past successes. Additionally, participating in tenders fosters relationships with key stakeholders, potentially leading to future opportunities. By actively engaging in the tender process, RTOs can position themselves as preferred providers, securing consistent enrolment streams while expanding their industry footprint. 

How can RTOs easily adopt these methods?

Adopting modern marketing strategies might seem daunting, but let’s break it down into bite-sized pieces.  

  • Stay Updated on Trends: Keep an ear to the ground for the latest digital marketing trends like artificial intelligence, data analytics, or interactive content. These aren’t just buzzwords—AI can custom-tailor your messaging to fit each student’s unique preferences. 
  • Leverage Data Analytics: Use data analytics to gain insights into student behaviors and preferences. This helps you craft targeted marketing strategies that resonate with your audience. 
  • Incorporate Interactive Tools: Think about using tools like virtual tours or webinars. These bring potential students closer to experiencing what your RTO offers, all from the comfort of their homes. 
  • Experiment and Adapt: Don’t be afraid to test new strategies. See what works for your RTO and tweak your approach as needed to maximise impact. 
  • Hire Experts: Bring in tech-savvy team members or hire experts in these areas to boost your efforts and ensure success. 
  • Explore Cost-Efficient Strategies: Consider offshoring or partnering with services like PeoplePartners to reduce marketing costs by up to 70%. Reinvest those savings into other areas of your business to spur growth. 

By embracing these innovative methods and trimming unnecessary costs, your RTO can engage a wider, more enthusiastic audience, setting the stage for sustainable growth. 

Your Next Steps

If you’re running a small or medium-sized business and navigating the education space, a diversified marketing strategy might just be your secret weapon. Using a mix of approaches helps you cast a wider net and engage folks wherever they hang out—be it online, in-person, or somewhere in between. 

Ever wonder what happens if you rely solely on, say, social media? You might miss out on students who prefer catching up through email or those browsing educational portals. Spreading your efforts across different channels covers your bases, don’t you think? 

By diversifying, you’re not just keeping up with the latest trends; you’re staying a step ahead. It boosts your brand’s visibility and keeps your message consistent across all touchpoints. Plus, it’s like having a data goldmine at your fingertips. You can see what’s working, refine your tactics, and make sure you’re getting the biggest bang for your buck. 

Mixing traditional and modern methods—think flyers alongside SEO or webinars—can create a strategy that’s as tough as nails and keeps your enrolments ticking upwards. In this fast-paced world of education, being agile and responsive isn’t just a plus; it’s essential. 


Supercharge Your RTO’s Growth and Profitability—Get the FREE Profit Blueprint Today!

Whether you’re looking to enhance your marketing efforts, streamline operations, or improve student acquisition processes, this e-book offers actionable insights tailored for your needs.

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