Privacy Policy


People Partners BPO Inc shall:

i) If it obtains Personal Information in the performance of this Agreement, use or disclose that Personal Information only for the purposes of this Agreement subject to any applicable exceptions in the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);

ii) comply with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);

iii) not do or engage in any practice which, if done or engaged in by the Client, would be a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles. 

  • People Partners BPO Inc shall ensure that its personnel who deal with Personal Information for the purposes of this Agreement are aware of and comply with, this clause.
  • People Partners BPO Inc shall notify the Client as soon as reasonably practicable if it becomes aware of a breach or any possible breach of its obligations in this clause.
  • ‘Personal Information’ has the same meaning as in the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).


  • In the event of a Data Breach in connection with any of the activities undertaken by the Parties under this Agreement, the Parties must cooperate with each other Party to provide full details of, and all reasonable assistance to investigate and mitigate against the effects of the Data Breach, or to report or notify the Data Breach to the Australian Information Commissioner.
  • In this clause, a ‘Data Breach’ means a circumstance where there is unauthorized access to, or unauthorized disclosure of, ‘Personal Information’ held in connection with this Agreement or where any ‘Personal Information’ held in connection with this Agreement is lost.
  • In this clause, ‘Personal Information’ has the same meaning as in the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).


People Partners BPO Inc shall:

i) Not share any mobile information with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.

ii) Ensure that all other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.


People Partners BPO Inc must, in performing its obligations under this Agreement:

  • comply with all applicable laws relating to modern slavery including the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW), Divisions 270 and 271 of the Australian Criminal Code 1995 (Cth), and any other anti-modern slavery laws or regulations in force in Australia or the Philippines (“Modern Slavery Laws”)  from time to time in force;
  • use best endeavors to ensure that there is no ‘Modern Slavery’ (as that term is defined in the Modern Slavery Laws) or human trafficking in the People Partners BPO Inc’s supply chains or business operations;
  • implement and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement appropriate due diligence procedures for its own suppliers and sub-contractors to ensure that there is no Modern Slavery in its supply chains;
  • notify the Client as soon as it becomes aware of any actual or suspected Modern Slavery in a supply chain which has a connection with this Agreement; and
  • maintain a complete set of records to trace the supply chain of all goods and services provided to the Client in connection with this Agreement.


  • People Partners BPO Inc must comply with all laws with respect to:
    • bribery or corruption; and
    • prohibited business practices that are relevant to the performance of the People Partners BPO Inc’s obligations in this Agreement.
  • People Partners BPO Inc must not, for the intended purpose of influencing or inducing anyone to influence decisions in favour of the Client or its controlled entities, offer, promise, make or agree to make (directly or indirectly) any: 
    • political contribution of any kind;
    • payment to a public official;
  • payments for gifts, meals, travel or other value to a government employee or his/her family; or
  • payments or gifts to anyone.”